Lycium arochae Chiang, Wendt & Lott
Type: Mexico: Coahuila: ca. 14.5 km SSE of Rancho Zacatosa (R. Arocha) in Laguna Colorada area, just N of Tanque El Reves, 27 Oct. 1976, Wendt & Lott 1903 (holotype: LL; isotypes: ENCB; MEXU)
Geographical Region: North America
Distribution: MEXICO: Coahuila
Habit: branched, thorny
Shrub height: 0.2-1.5 m
Leaf characteristics:
Leaf Glaucous: glaucous
Leaf Succulence: semi-succulent
Pubescence: glabrous or densely short-pubescent
Leaf Length: 3-35 mm
Leaf Width: 1-8 mm
Calyx characteristics:
Calyx Shape: cup-shaped
Calyx Pubescence: glabrous
Calyx Tube Length: 1-1.6 mm
Calyx Lobe Length: 0.5-0.6 mm
Corolla characteristics:
Corolla Color: violet
Flower Shape: ovate
Corolla Tube Length: 7 mm
Corolla Lobe Length: 2 mm
Merosity: 5
Filament Pubescence: sparsely pilose where adnate, glabrous elsewhere
Sexuality: hermaphroditic
Fruit characteristics:
Fruit Type: berry
Fruit Shape: ovoid or ellipsoid
Fruit Color: orange-red
Fruit length: 5-8mm
Seed Number: many-seeded