Lycium bridgesii (Miers) Levin, Miller and Bernardello

Type: lectotype, Chile, Coquimbo, Bridges 1332 (K 000585988; isolectotypes: BM 000941672, P, E, FI)

Geographical Region: South America

Distribution: CHILE: Atacama, Coquimbo

Habit: erect, spineless

Shrub height: 0.5m

Leaf characteristics:

    Leaf Pubescence: pubescent
Leaf Length: 2-8 mm

Calyx characteristics:

    Calyx Tube Length: 8-11mm
    Calyx Lobe Length: equal to the tube, less frequently shorter or longer

Corolla characteristics:

    Corolla Color: lilac, white
    Flower Shape: broadly infundibuliform
    Corolla Tube Length: 19-22 mm
    Corolla Lobe Length:5-8 times shorter than the tube

Filament Pubescence: densely pubescent near their basis downward

Fruit characteristics:

    Fruit Type: berry
    Fruit Shape: globose
    Fruit Length
: 8-15 mm diameter

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