Lycium carolinianum Walt.
Type: United States: Florida: Duva Co., salt marshes near mouth of St. John's River, 10 Oct. 1899, Curtiss 6543 (lectotype: MO; isotypes: G, GH, NY, UC, US)
Geographical Region: North America
Distribution: MEXICO: Veracruz, Tamaulipas, Michoacan, Baja California Sur, Sinaloa, Colima, Oaxaca, Yucatan, Nayarit, Mexico, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí; UNITED STATES: South Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Hawaiian Islands, Texas, Louisiana; EASTER ISLAND; WEST INDIES
Habit: erect or slightly spreading
Shrub height: 0.4-3 m
Leaf characteristics:
Leaf Succulence: succulent
Leaf Pubescence: glabrous
Leaf Length: 10-35 mm
Leaf Width: 1-6 mm
Calyx characteristics:
Calyx Shape: cup-shaped
Calyx Pubescence: glabrous
Calyx Tube Length: 3mm
Corolla characteristics:
Corolla Color: lavender to purple or white
Flower Shape: campanulate-rotate
Corolla Tube Length: 7-12 mm
Corolla Lobe Length: equal in length to tube,
or slightly shorter
Merosity: 4, rarely 5
Filament Pubescence: densely pilose on lower
third or fourth of free portion
Sexuality: hermaphroditic
Fruit characteristics:
Fruit Type: berry
Fruit Shape: ovoid
Fruit length: 12 mm diameter
Fruit color: red
Seed Number: many
Varieties: carolinianum, sandwicense, quadrifidum, gaumeri