Lycium ciliatum Schlechtendal

Type: Brasil, Santa Catarina, 1832

Geographical Region: South America

Distribution: ARGENTINA: Provinces Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Cordoba, Corrientes, Chaco, Entre Rios, Jujuy, La Pampa, La Rioja, Mendoza, Salta, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero, Tucuman; BOLIVIA; BRASIL; URUGUAY

Habit: erect

Shrub height: 1.6-2 m

Leaf characteristics:

Leaf Pubescence: glabrous or pubescent
Leaf Length: 5-75 mm
Leaf Width: 4-45 mm

Calyx characteristics:

Calyx Shape: campanulate
Calyx Pubescence: variable pubescence
Calyx Tube Length: 1.5-2.5 mm
Calyx Lobe Length: longer than tube, 4-8.5mm

Corolla characteristics:

Corolla Color: white, dirty white
Flower Shape: funnel form
Corolla Tube Length: 3-6 mm
Corolla Lobe Length: 3.5-8.5 mm

Merosity: 5, rarely 6

Filament Pubescence: pubescent

Sexuality: hermaphroditic

Fruit characteristics:

Fruit Type: berry
Fruit Shape: spherical to ovoid
Fruit Color:
red, orange
Fruit Length: 5-8 mm
Fruit Width: 5-8 mm

Seed Number: 15-35 per locule

Fruit Constriction: no

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