Lycium cooperi A. Gray
Type: United States: California: San Bernardino Co.: eastern slop of Providence Mountain, in the Mojave District, 29 May 1861, Cooper s. n. (holotype: GH, isotype: US)
Geographical Region: North America
Distribution: UNITED STATES: Arizona, California, Nevada
Habit: stout, densely branched, thorny
Shrub height: 0.6-2 m
Leaf characteristics:
Leaf Pubescence: densely glandular-pubescent or
hispidulous to glabrescent
Leaf Length: 1 -3.5 mm
Leaf Width: 0.4-1.3 mm
Calyx characteristics:
Calyx Shape: bowl-shaped or oblong-campanulate
Calyx Pubescence: glabrate or glandular-pubescent
Calyx Tube Length: 4-14 mm
Corolla characteristics:
Corolla Color: greenish-white with purple veins
Flower Shape: triangular-ovate
Corolla Tube Length: 8-15 mm
Corolla Lobe Length: one fourth to one fifth the length of the tube
Merosity: 5
Filament Pubescence: sparsely pilose at the base, glabrous free portion
Sexuality: hermaphroditic
Fruit characteristics:
Fruit Type: berry
Fruit Shape: ovoid
Fruit length: 5-10 mm
Fruit color: greenish-yellow
Fruit constriction: constricted
Seed Number: 1-2 seeds in each sclerenchymatous portion, 5-8 in lower half