Lycium hirsutum Dunal
Type: South Africa: Cape: Dweka River, Drege 7866 (holotype: G-DC)
Geographical Region: Africa
Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA: Eastern Cape province, Western Cape province, Free State, Northwest province; BOTSWANA; NAMIBIA; southern Namibia
Habit: sprawling
Shrub height: 1-3 m
Leaf characteristics:
Leaf Pubescence: vestiture as on
the young stems
Leaf Length: 10-28 mm
Leaf Width: 4-8 mm
Calyx characteristics:
Calyx Shape: funnel-shaped
Calyx Pubescence: densely hirsute with vestiture as on young bark
Calyx Tube Length: 3-5 mm
Calyx Lobe Length: 4-6 mm
Corolla characteristics:
Corolla Color: creamy white to dirty white, sometimes with purple venation
Flower Shape: sub-orbicular, spreading
Corolla Tube Length: 14-20 mm
Corolla Lobe Length: 2-3 mm
Merosity: 5
Filament Pubescence: semi-orbicular
Sexuality: hermaphroditic
Fruit characteristics:
Fruit Type: berry
Fruit Shape: spherical to ovate
Fruit Color: red
Fruit length: 5-6 mm
Fruit width: 4-5 mm
Varieties: ochraceum, cinerascens