Lycium pallidum Miers
Type: United States: New Mexico: Santa Fe Co.: Santa Fe Creek Valley, May-June 1847, Fendler 670 (holotype: BM; isotypes: K, F, GH, NY, MO)
Geographical Region: North America
Distribution: MEXICO: Coahuila, Nuevo León, San Luis Potosí, most probably in northern and eastern Chihuahua; UNITED STATES: Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas
Habit: dense, intricately branched, thorny
Shrub height: 1-2 m
Leaf characteristics:
Leaf Glaucous: glaucous
Leaf Pubescence: glandular-pubescent
Leaf Length: 10-15 mm
Leaf Width: 3-15 mm
Calyx characteristics:
Calyx Shape: cup-shaped to campanulate
Calyx Pubescence: blue-glaucous to glabrous
Calyx Tube Length: 5-8 mm
Calyx Lobe Length: equaling or exceeding the tube in length
Corolla characteristics:
Corolla Color: white to lavender purple, most commonly greenish with purple veins
Flower Shape: lanceolate to ovate or elliptic
Corolla Tube Length: 12-25 mm
Corolla Lobe Length: one fifth to one third the length of the tube
Merosity: 5
Filament Pubescence: filaments densely hairy near top of corolla-tube
Sexuality: hermaphroditic
Fruit characteristics:
Fruit Type: berry
Fruit Shape: ovoid
Fruit Color: red or reddish-blue
Fruit length 10 mm or slightly less in diameter
Seed Number: 4-50
Varieties: pallidum, oligospermum