Lycium villosum Shinz

Type: Botswana: Olifantskloof, Schinz 1886 (holotype: Z)

Geographical Region: Africa

Distribution: SOUTH AFRICA: Northern Cape Province; NAMIBIA; BOTSWANA

Habit: much branched

Shrub Height: 1-3 m

Leaf characteristics:

Leaf Succulence: rarely semi-succulent
: densely hirsute with vestiture as on young stems
Leaf Length: 16-28 mm
Leaf Width: 2-8 mm

Calyx characteristics:

Calyx Shape: trumpet-shaped
Calyx Pubescence: densely hirsute with glandular and eglandular hairs
Calyx Tube Length: 5-7 mm
Calyx Lobe Length: 2.5-3.5 mm

Corolla characteristics:

Corolla Color: creamy to dirty white
Flower Shape: broadly semi-ovate to semi-orbicular
Corolla Tube Length: 9-12 mm
Corolla Lobe Length: 1.5-2 mm

Merosity: 4-5

Filament Pubescence: pilose at filament base

Sexuality: dioecious

Fruit characteristics:

Fruit Type: berry
Fruit Shape: broadly ovoid to spherical
Fruit Color: red
Fruit length: 3-5 mm
Fruit width: 3-4 mm

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